Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Hit My Bunny Phone

Well, what can I say...trying to figure out how to change the template on my blog has exhausted me. I am not giving up though, I will figure it of these days. Plus I have called my sister in law and she has helped me to start figuring things out! (I have never had a sister, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad.) I have been looking at other people's blogs trying to figure out what to put in my first 'real' post but I have realized that I can put pretty much write anything that I want!

I guess I will start with a little bit of what has been going on with me. I have been in class for the past five weeks for some training on a couple pieces of equipment for my job. (Air Traffic Control) It has been fun and I have learned quite a bit.

Sometime in May or June I will be going to the soldier of the month board and two months after that I should hopefully be going to the promotion board. All of this is just Army stuff and there is a whole lot more involved when it comes to getting promoted but going to the board is the main thing that has to happen before I get promoted. I have to take a PT test, qualify on my weapon, do Army correspondence courses (1000 hours of them), and turn in my civilian education for promotion points. So, no big deal...I will get all of that done also.

This is just a picture of me in Iraq. I figured that since I was talking about Army stuff I would put a picture in to go along with it.

To explain the address of my blog I will have to say that it came from my Dad. Everyday when he would drop me off at school he would ask me, "Question or Believe?" Many times I have chose to question. Needless to say this has gotten me into a few discussions and arguments but has also helped me to learn a lot about a great variety of subjects. So, thank you Dad! See I did listen to you when I was growing up! (And oh yeah, your birthday present will be mailed no later than Tuesday of next week. :-)

This is a picture that I took when I was in Seattle on leave. I was experimenting with the night time option on my camera. What do you think?

Also, can you figure out the title of this post? It is a spoonerism!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dot,
Proud of you. You did a good job setting up your blog. I cannot cross the water at all without a boat because I cannot swim. Love you. You truly are my adventure some dot. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hope your arm is ok. Thank you. Always wondered if you and B were listening. And regardless of the method of crossing the water, it's Row vs. Wade all over again. Talk with you soon. Love you, Dad.

Christy and Randy said...

Hey Dad, I knew that you would get it. I thought that would be funny. Well, I will be calling soon! Very good responses about crossing the water also. There will be more to come...