Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bellows Beach

I went to the beach in Hawaii for the first time ever! We went to Bellows Beach which has a private area which is on the Air Force Base. Well, I had been to the beach but I hadn't been swimming. We went with two of our friends Rob and Nellie. Randy works with Rob and Nellie is the one that showed me around when I first got to Hawaii. Rob brought 3 boogie boards so we had lots of fun trying not to get crushed by the waves. Randy yelled over told me and said that he was treading water...which he cannot do...but when I turned to look at him he was holding onto his board. So, I am going to have to continue to work on that with him. I had a blast swimming! I love the water and can't believe that I hadn't made it out there until today. We are going to purchase some boogie boards of our own now also. Here are some pictures from our day today!

...notice the one of me sitting in the water and Randy standing over the top of me. He was not following the rules while we were swimming but I did my best to take him down with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never seen water that blue and a beach that empty. So pretty and here we are headed into the cold winter. We have had two days of frost in the morning and it is supposed to be the same Sunday. Love you, Mom