Monday, July 14, 2008

Part 1: Red Cheeks, Brow of a Tuna, and Great Views

Last week I told Randy that before we left Hawaii I would like to hike Diamondhead and swim in a waterfall. Well, we hiked Diamonhead. The afternoon was HOT and as usual my cheeks turned red very fast.

Our first part of the day was up Diamondhead. It wasn't a hard hike and it is only a 8/10 of mile up to the top but we ended up having to park way outside of the park. We tried to park in the parking lot but the lady was turning people around at the entrance, even though there were spots open. It added about a 1/2 mile onto each way of our hike and it saved us $3 since it was only a $1 to get in if you walked in. We had a lot of fun and the views were great. Here are a few pictures. I will put the rest on snapfish so just let me know if you want to see them let me know. The pictures in the blog are a really big file size so if you click on them

*Diamondhead used to be called Laeahi by the ancient Hawaiians. The name means "brow of the tuna" because the silhoutte looks like a tuna. In the 1800's British Sailors renamed it because when they were sailing in they thought that there were diamonds glistening in the lava rock. It turned out to be the calcite crystals. Fort Ruger used to be located at Diamondhead crater and was used for harbor defense. There used to be canons inside of the crater and they built observation decks for target sighting. It is amazing how much history is on the Island of Oahu and just how much the military has enfluenced this beautiful place.

Inside of the crater and were the hike started.
Downtown Waikiki and one of the observation decks.
If you look close enough you can see the Island of Molokai. That is the island the lepers used to be sent to before there was medicine to control their disease.
The happy hot couple.
Shot of Diamondhead from the parking lot.

Check back for Part 2 of our Saturday hiking!


The Goodfellas said...

oh my goodness, just looking at those heights made me clammy! (beautiful pictures though)

3WalterPeas said...

you forgot to mention that on SUN night I spanked you guys at chicken foot!!! nw

Anonymous said...

For those who do not know---When Christy starts exercising her cheeks turn bright, cherry red. I have had to tell her soccer coaches, that she is not dying because they always assume something is wrong when she gets so red. Believe when she says she gets red cheeks. They are something to behold.
Love you Dot, MOM