Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Finer Things In Life

I know, you are all thinking I am going to write about wine, beautiful jewelry, fancy houses, or something to that extent right? Well, turns out that I have realized that some of the finer things in life are the things that everybody takes for granted. Such as fresh smelling air, cooking what you want every night, being with your loved ones whenver you feel like it, not being limited to what you can do on any given day, and CINNABONS! Yes, I said it Cinnabons. Now not to discredit the things I said before that because those really are the finer things in life. Since I can't have those things right I have to resort to other things that make me happy.

When I got to work today I found out that a guy who used to be in our company sent us Cinnabons. Now of course some of you are thinking those would go bad by the time they got to us. Well, if you don't know...some of the bases in Iraq have places like that. Not full scale restaurants but fast food restaurants such as Burger King, Pizza Hut, Subway, etc. I do not remember the last time that I had a cinnabon. One because they have so many calories that I don't think I can count that high (by the way, I ate 2 of them...mini cinnabons though) and two because I just didn't take the time to ever stop and eat one. Well, today I realized something, that first cinnabon that I ate was like a little piece of heaven for my mouth. So in eating that Cinnabon it just helped me to remember that it is not the car that we drive, the nice clothes that we can buy because we have tons of money, or that we have the most expensive hi-tech cell phone out there but the finer things in life are the things I mentioned in the first paragraph. So take your family, go do something fun, make a picnic, stop by a Cinnabon store and pick up some cinnabons for dessert, and enjoy the beautiful day that God has given you. You will see what I am talking about when you take a bite of that cinnabon, they are even good when they are a little bit cold. Oh yeah...eat dessert first, life is uncertain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is cool. Love, Mom